Just a word to thank you for subscribing!
You’ll have probably noticed that the subjects I cover are diverse and varied, the neuroscience of comedy through to green corridors and more. You’ll also have noticed the Permaculture thread that goes through most of them! The most read article is still ‘Permaculture is misunderstood’.
People sometimes ask me why I don’t monetise Misrule and my answer is because I don’t want to, at least at the moment. This isn’t in my personal interest as it seems that monetising subscriptions actually tends to mean you get more subscribers. It’s a strange world. Others also tell me I should do a podcast and maybe I should. At the moment it’s springtime here and I’m full on preparing the vegetable gardens and planting and sowing. As you probably know this takes up quite a lot of time. I often say to myself that I’ll have more spare time over the cold season but this never turns out to be the case! General maintenance, rebuilding stone walled terraces, rebuilding bridges and more, the winter quickly passes.
If you have any suggestions or requests for future articles then let me know. I can’t promise anything because if someone requests an article on quantum ecology I will probably struggle to come up with some ideas! I don’t even know if such a thing exists but then again I didn’t know about ‘third culture children’ until a few weeks ago. There is just so much to learn and understand and share.
Thanks for subscribing and most especially thanks for reading.
Have a great something or other, day, night, weekend, birthday, anniversary which might even be the anniversary of your birthday :-)