Paradigm shift #4 Ultra-processed foods, Covid19 and profits
The big supermarket chains sell us ultra-processed foods (UPF), in the USA they account for over 50% of the calories bought by consumers.
These products are toxic and weaken our bodies and make them vulnerable to a variety of diseases and conditions. They are associated with cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease,Â
cerebrovascular disease, a negative impact on IQ, autistic spectrum disorders, over-eating, weight gain and obesity.
Why? The results of a random controlled study from the USA carried out in 2019 showed that participants given a diet based on UPFÂ ate around 500 calories a day more than the control group given meals with UPFs. They also ate more often and faster than the controls.
Why? Another study from 2019 and again done in the USA showed that UPF don't give an feeling of satiety. The peptide YY is a hormone that gives this feeling for a few hours after eating. Those people eating the UPF free diet had higher levels after eating than those on the UPF diet. This means they felt replete quicker and so ate less. These people also produced less Ghrelin which is a hormone that stimulates the appetite, less ghrelin = less appetite and less eating.

Individuals with a high body mass index (above 25 kg/m2) have an elevated risk of suffering a severe form of Covid19. Early results from France (beginning of april 2020) show that 83% of people who are in intensive care have body mass indexes above 25 kg/m2
The solution?
Buy healthy, locally produced food, or grow it yourself, and home prepare your meals. Do not buy ultra-processed foods. That should be obvious!
Spread the word. People are literally dying whilst the CEOs of the supermarket chains are become even more wealthy.***
Ask your local MP to raise the question "why are these products not sold with a health warning similar to the ones on cigarette packets?"
*** Tesco in the year to 29 February – pre-tax profit of £1.3bn. Payout to shareholders around £900m. Much of this profit (they don't provide a break down of sales) was made from the sale of what can only be called toxic food.