Peoplecare and communicating
At a recent discussion I was asked how we can facilitate discussions around socio-ecological transition with people who aren't necessarily very worried that the world's burning. My reply:
make sure they have eaten well
if you want people to feel you have a warm personality give them hot drinks
ensure that they know the place well, their local Bars and Pubs are often good for that
a room with a blue colour and reasonably high ceiling
a view out the windows of some trees and shrubbery
give them comfortable chairs, unless you want them to see you as a tough cookie.
really make sure that the room smells nice.
If you can get them to wash their hands before the talk even better.
use simple language and good colourful metaphors.
avoid creating a sensation of disgust in people. This is a nasty strategy used by some to create and reinforce us/them dichotomies.
Given the right conditions people become more open to new ideas, they allow themselves to be more imaginitive and creative. They are less conservative. They may even go on to invent the type of social organisation and decision making process that is the most adapted to them and their particular context. Maybe!
If you want to go further and develop your Permaculture in the area of peoplecare I suggest studying social biology, neuropsychology and psychology .