Coming from the New Biology way of thinking I would find it interesting to see if some of your ideas /thoughts will hold in a few years time. I would like to see the papers on saturated fats when we know they were falsified by Ancel Keys., now we have a low fat and yes high sugar market. The story around viruses again is questioned we have never purified or isolated a sample of a supposed virus. From the Spanish flu to yes SARS etc... nothing has been proven. Yes to the terrain if that is weak then yes the bacteria parasite's will do their job and clear up the debris. If you see a dead dog with lots of flys around it do we blame the flys nope! I hope in time our thinking will change from one of fear to an understanding of cooperation. I have spent many years re writing my notes on wellness and I still feel we are just scratching the surface. Open debate is needed to allow edge thinking back onto this fascinating agenda.

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"If out of a thousand swans that we observe, all are white, then the hypothesis that all swans are white is reasonable; but the observation of a single black swan could disprove it at any time. A finite number of individual experimental observations will never allow us to make an absolutely certain prediction about a potentially infinite number of future individual cases. "

I would agree that we are just scratching the surface and I agree that the physical conditions play a major role in dis-ease. That said the postulate that "we have never purified or isolated a sample of a supposed virus" is one that circulates widely and exosomes are often thrown up as 'proof' that viruses don't exist. Yet the NCBI Virus genome database has more than 193,000 complete genome sequences.

I prefer the term wholeness to wellness, the latter having been misapproriated into a multi-billion dollar industry selling expensive and, for the most part, useless products. Wholeness, hale, is a broader more encompassing description.

I hope you enjoy my last article which is more about an ecosytemic approach to health.


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I like the word wholeness and your correct we can say we are sure... only to be disproved but I like that.

I will add your comment on exosome's sort of muddies the water and begs the question what do they represent ?.

We have lots of data on all sorts of stuff but it is again and I will only we drawn into a 'maybe' when it's proven at the moment it has not been proven regarding viruses. Stefan Lanka, Harold Hillman, Albert Ling, to name a few all have spoken about false information regarding the workings of the human body and have fallen fowl of yes a system that looks to make profit and to hold us in fear which means they were pushed aside.

I know it is challenging to some to change a view held by so many and I have friends spending 4 years of their lives studying virology.

Pasture and Beauchamp were at odds with each other Pasture won and we have a germ fear culture. You are correct we live in a consumerism world, profit for share holders and if we start to disprove some of these stories they loose power over us.

I feel we must nurture our bodies in all aspects. I work with Ayurveda as well as the new biology and the spirit of the human being is an important part of the return to balance.

I design from people's stories they tell me when I work with clients, from that we come up with a story on all level mind body and spirit to take them forward based on hope that our bodies know the answers and not fear. It's a lonely road I travel but more and more people are waking up to the deception that has trapped us for such a long time .....yes I did read your last article keep them coming it's food for thought.

Debate is good ...and respect for one's journey will lead us to new stories that will help humanity is that not why we do what we do?

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Hello !

Would you like to organzed a podcast about this subject ?

PLease contact me on whatapp : +33 6 45 76 63 32

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Thank you Steve ! I am am thoroughly enjoying reading your Substack.. I imagine you already know these two thinkers... But in case you don't , here is a great conversation..https://youtu.be/0Qo0ODiOsmY?si=d-bPRr6tmaCk-Yy8

XoxoSusan ❤️🐞❤️

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Hi Susan, thanks a lot!

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