Great article. You didn't get round to pet insurance...The "ThisIsMoney" web site says UK pet owners spent a record £6.1bn insuring their pets for12 months in 2024, 15.8 per cent higher than the same period the year before. It can cost more to insure a dog than a car. Interestingly, getting a pet from a rescue centre now seems to require you taking out an insurance policy for it.

However, apparently, in order to fully kisk-start our immune systems, before the age of three we have to come into contact with cow, goat, sheep, cat and dog poo. So at least that's something we could do with the mountain of dog poo. Every family should have some.

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More to insure a dog than a car!! Seriously? I read the other day that the RAC estimates that, on average, drivers encounter about six potholes per mile on council-controlled roads in England and Wales. Furthermore, according to the AA, a record £579m was spent in the UK last year repairing vehicles damaged by potholes, up from £474m in 2023.

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Being as here in south Gwynedd, we are in an area visited by large numbers of tourists, roads have been “improved” as in widened, bends taken out, surfaces regularly re-done and bypasses installed with not a pot hole in sight. So most of the year we have well over the top quality roads for the Dolgellau morning rush ten minutes of two land-rovers and half a dozen cars. Then during the brief tourist season the roads are stuffed.

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Well, that's good news ;-) !! My nephew reckons that there are 20 potholes per mile in Poole but he may be guilty of a cognitive bias.

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You used to have to go Derbyshire to go pot-holing…

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