Good stuff, as usual and a step or three above the PC Assoc's rather limited response to global warming.... We used Black Mountain sheep's wool insulation for our roofs but I was disappointed to find that they add up to 15% plastic to give it "body", which means recycling is still not the simple matter it should be. Today, the Beeb News website had yet another article on the disastrous effects of some of the insulation methods used in Government schemes (I'd put the link but can't find any way to do that in a comment).

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Another example, of 'it's not what we do which is the problem, it's the way that we do it'! I noticed thta Greenpeace have finally got on board and started to communicate about the recycling fraud which has developed over the years. Government schemes are leapt upon by the bottom feeders who take the money, cowboy the job and disappear. This is much harder to do when it' s community based and led.

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I got triggered by 'The UK Assoc published a post on the social network that everyone likes to hate but continues using'. I love the way you say "likes to hates". Thank you for that warm up opening !

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