Sitemap - 2023 - Misrule

Bridge building went wrong

"Buon cibo, buona salute." - "Good food, good health."

The Great Takeover of the Place

Humans don't ......

We are unwell, dis-eased and messed up

Eat my boots?

A bison chased my dog

Sheep are led, goats are driven and humans are ....?

Under the radar social change is happening

A pumpkin defends intensive agriculture

Designing a bird box the Permaculture way

Urban Permaculture #3

Judas goats and Scapegoats

Being really lazy and Carbon offsetting

A kiss on the lips can be so .....

Population crisis? What crisis?

Urban Permaculture 'interlude'

Urban Permaculture #2

Witchfinders and biogas

Why did they come to study us?

Konsk: The Great Takeover of the Place

Permaculture going urban

Konsk: The Great Takeover of the Place

Permaculture 2023*1

Permaculture 2023

Wellness ? None of it works except it does.

Konsk: The Great Takeover of the Place

Can AI get bored?

Punching down has to stop

Petrol, electric or something else entirely?

COP after COP after .....

Heat waves

Cover crops

Caught between salt and drought

Amazonian 'dark earth' could speed up forest regeneration

Mother trees and the world wide wood

Unforseen and forseeable consequences

Toxic! Things that get right up my nose, and your's.

The sausage dilemma

Potential for an ecological cascade effect in our village

Give the village a boost

Stress relieved before it became chronic

Helping the neighbours deal with sea level rise

Fuel bill price rise panic, solution found

Liars, collaborators or eco-populists?

The conspiracy game ..

More eco tales from the pub

Ecological discussions in our Pub

economic BDSM

Cars and a circular economy

Collapse? Permaculture

Eating slugs and 'hope' of drought resilient wheat

